TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ column

TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ Columns

The Tosoh GPC Tradition

Tosoh introduced its first line of GPC columns in 1971 and its first GPC instrument in 1972. Ever since, Tosoh scientists have made important contributions to advances in polymer analysis by Gel Permeation Chromatography.

At the 2008 Pittsburgh Conference, Tosoh Bioscience introduced the EcoSEC HLC-8320GPC GPC System, the 7th generation of dedicated GPC instruments. The EcoSEC GPC system allows faster MW determination at a lower cost per analysis. These advancements have been made possible by integrating HPLC system design with Tosoh's innovative multi-pore particle synthesis technology.

Multi-pore particle synthesis technology 

Using this proprietary technology, Tosoh can manufacture particles containing a broad range of pore sizes. This innovative approach essentially creates a linear calibration curve within each particle. As a result, columns with an extended linear calibration curve can now be prepared without mixing particles of different pore sizes.


First introduced in a 5 micron particle format,TSKgel MultiporeHxl-M column dimensions are 7.8 mm ID x 30 cm for use in conventional GPC systems.

 Now, the innovative multi-pore technology is also available in  3, 4 and 6 micron TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ columns, as well as 4, 5 and 8 micron TSKgel SuperMultiporePW columns for the analysis of aqueous polymers. Each of these columns feature a distinctly different linear part of the calibration range, as shown in the Figure on the right for the TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ columns.

Calibration Curves for TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ Columns with Polystyrene Standards

Base Material: PS-DVB
Particle Size (mean): 3 µm
Pore size (mean): 8 nm
Exclusion Limit (PST / THF): 120,000
Separation Range: 300 - 50,000 Da
Theoretical Plates / 15 cm Column:   20,000

Particle size
Housing material ID (mm) Length (cm)
TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ-N
3 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 15
TSKgel guardcolumn SuperMP(HZ)-N
3 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 2
Base Material: PS-DVB
Particle Size (mean): 4 µm
Pore size (mean): 14 nm
Exclusion Limit (PST / THF): 2,000,000
Separation Range: 500 - 1,000,000 Da
Theoretical Plates / 15 cm column:   16,000

Particle size
Housing material ID (mm) Length (cm)
TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ-M
4 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 15
TSKgel guardcolumn SuperMP(HZ)-M
4 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 2
Base Material: PS-DVB
Particle Size (mean): 6 µm
Pore size (mean): ND
Exclusion Limit (PST / THF): 40,000,000
Separation Range: 1,000 - 10,000,000 Da
Theoretical Plates / 15 cm column:   11,000

Particle size
Housing material ID (mm) Length (cm)
TSKgel SuperMultiporeHZ-H
6 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 15
TSKgel guardcolumn SuperMP(HZ)-H
6 µm
Stainless Steel 4.6 2